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Everyone gets scrapes and cuts at some point in their life. Most of the time, these wounds are minor and heal without any treatment at all. However, some cuts and injuries require stitches to heal properly.

Whether a cut needs stitches depends on factors such as where the cut is and how deep it is. Some minor wounds bleed more than others, which can make it difficult to know when to get stitches or just treat the cut at home.

First of all, if it’s an emergency, call 911.

Signs That a Cut Needs Stitches

Some signs indicate when the injury:

  • Bleeds excessively
  • Spurts blood
  • Does not stop bleeding after 10 minutes of firm pressure
  • Is to the chest, abdomen, or neck
  • Happens along with any emergency symptoms: severe pain, fast breathing or trouble breathing, vomiting, dizziness, unconsciousness
  • Is to the eye or in the throat? If something is stuck in those areas, leave it in place and keep the person calm.

How Do I Know If I Need Stitches?

From the size of the wound to its location, there are several signs that you need stitches or at least to have a doctor check things out.

How big is it? You’ll want to see a doctor if the wound:

  • Looks very deep, even if it’s not especially long or wide
  • Is more than a half-inch long
  • Opens so wide that you can’t get the edges together with just a little pressure
  • Has ragged edges
  • Has debris in it such as dirt, glass, or gravel

How badly is it bleeding? You’ll likely need stitches if the wound:

  • Bleeds enough to soak through a bandage
  • Keeps bleeding even after you apply direct pressure for 5 to 10 minutes
  • Spurts blood

What caused it? For some wounds, you may need a tetanus shot as well as stitches. Get care right away if the wound is from an:

  • Animal or human bite
  • Dirty or rusty object
  • Pointed object that might have driven deep into the skin, especially if the wound happened through the bottom of a shoe — stepping on a nail, for example

If you have any doubts, it’s best to call your doctor.

Before You Head to the Doctor

If you do need stitches, here are a few tips:

  • Apply pressure: Use a clean towel or bandage to apply direct pressure to the wound. Try to keep the injured area raised above the heart to help stop or slow bleeding. If blood soaks through, don’t remove the old bandage. Just put another one right on top of it.

Treatment Options

Stitches: Stitches, also called sutures, are special types of thread that hold wound edges together while they heal. Stitches help speed healing, stop bleeding, reduce scarring, and decrease the chance of infection in the wound.

“Butterfly” strips: Sterile adhesive strips can sometimes be used on small, shallow wounds instead of stitches. They work the same as stitches.

Skin Glue: Skin glue is a special medical glue used to close wounds. It can be used on its own or with stitches or adhesive tape. It forms a protective waterproof covering over your wound.

At Ally Medical Emergency Rooms, our team of experienced physicians is equipped to handle all types of cuts and injuries. If you or a loved one experiences a wound that may need stitches, visit one of our locations for prompt and effective care.